Windows 10 Basic Concepts

Test your general knowledge of working with Windows 10.

This test contains 20 mulitple choice questions. When you have finished answering the questions, click the View your results button at the buttom of this page. Your test results and the correct answers are shown immediately on your screen. With a score of sufficient or greater, you can receve the Computer Certificate by email if desired.

Good luck!

Test questions:

1. Is there a shortcut on the taskbar for every program on your computer?

2. What command in Windows is commonly associated with the word cut?

3. Can multiple programs be opened at the same time in Windows?

4. What is the purpose of the WordPad program?

5. When does this bar appear on the right or bottom of a window?

6. What is this part of Windows called? Windows10Algemeen_Taakbalk2

7. How do you display a minimized program back on the desktop?

8. What happens when you click this button Windows10Algemeen_Verkleinen?

9. What happens when you click the Windows10Algemeen_PijlnaarLinks button in the upper left corner of a File Explorer window?

10. What is a proper method for shutting down your computer?

11. Which button do you use to close a window?

12. What taskbar button can you click to open a program for arranging files and folders?

13. How do you find a program when there is no icon for that program on the desktop or taskbar?

14. What happens when you click this button Windows10Algemeen_Taakweergave?

15. Is it possible to show multiple programs or apps with Task View?

16. Is it possible to change the size of the windows in Windows 10?

17. What happens when you click this button Windows10Algemeen_Minimaliseren-?

18. What does it mean when the pointer changes into a hand ?

19. What is this window called in Windows 10? 

20. What happens when you click this button Windows10Algemeen_Menu

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Suggested book(s) by this test:

Windows 10 for SENIORS for the Beginning Computer User
Windows 10 for SENIORS